All of our academies are valued for their distinct offer and how this diversity enriches the strength and quality of our collective efficacy as a Multi Academy Trust.
Each academy has its own admissions policy, which is available on the schools website, for your convenience a direct link can be found below.

Abbey School
We take great pleasure in introducing our school to you. We are lucky enough to have very special young people that come to Abbey, all of which have a Education, Health Care Plan.
Tel: 01709 740074

Bader Academy
Bader Academy is an exciting special school in Edenthorpe in Doncaster which opened in September 2020. Our academy meets the needs of children and young people aged 5-19.
Tel: 01302 433003

Becton School
Becton School is as unique as it is wonderful and as complex as it is caring. Over the past 4 years it has grown considerably and the number of pupils it supports has almost quadrupled. Initially Becton School worked solely with patients at the Becton Centre for Children and Young People, a residential Tier 4 CAMHs unit.
Tel: 0114 3053121

Beech Academy
The Beech Academy, which is part of Nexus Multi-Academy Trust is a high achieving Special Education Needs School with a great tradition of success. We believe that an outstanding education develops our students academically, socially and morally, giving them the skills to be successful in whatever they do once they have left us.
Tel: 01623 626008

Breakout Club
Break Out Club offers a range of holiday clubs and weekly after school provision to meet the needs of children and young people aged 5-19 with Special Educational Needs.
Tel: 01709 257277

Coppice School
Our School is a community day school for pupils aged 3-19 years with severe learning difficulties and Autism. Our school subscribes to the belief that 'Every Child Matters'.
Tel: 01302 844883

Crags Community School
Crags Community School is a Primary School for children aged 2 to 11 and is situated to the East side of the Metropolitan Borough of Rotherham.
Tel: 01709 812729

Discovery Academy
Discovery Academy is a special school with 80 planned places for children aged 7– 16, specialising in provision for special education needs with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder, with related Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs.
Tel: 0114 479 800

Fountaindale School
Fountaindale is a school for children and young people who are 3 to 18 years old who have profound and multiple learning needs, complex physical and medical needs and sensory needs. At Fountaindale we are passionate that every day matters for children and haveour children and families at the heart of everything we do.
Tel: 01623 792671

Heatherwood School
We are a coeducational community special day school which opened in 2008 for children and young people aged between 3 and 19 years.
Tel: 01302 322044

Hilltop School
Hilltop School serves a mainly urban catchment in South Yorkshire. We are lucky to serve 95 amazing children and young people who are well-supported by hardworking and dedicated families.
Tel: 01709 813386

Kelford School
Kelford is an all age special school for children and young people with severe and complex needs. We are passionate about providing the best quality of education and care for all our pupils.
Tel: 01709 512088

Kenwood Academy
Kenwood Academy is an 11-19 special academy, part of Nexus Multi-Academy-Trust.
We provide full time education for neurodiverse young people aged 11-19 who have an Education Health and Care Plan for Communication & Interaction needs alongside Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. All pupils have a diagnosis or traits of autism
Tel: 0114 2582140

North Ridge School
North Ridge Community School strive for all our children to meet their full academic, social emotional and physical potential through building solid foundations during their first chapter in their lifelong learning journey.
Tel: 01302 720790

Pennine View School
At Pennine View we believe in providing exciting, rich and challenging learning opportunities and promoting independence and confidence.
Tel: 01709 864978

The Willows School
We are a ‘Can do’ School, with an amazing environment in which to learn and develop skills for life. We feel this is a school with a very special atmosphere and visitors have often said the same. We take pupils age 7 to 19 with a range of moderate learning difficulties; some with additional needs such as speech and language difficulties, children on the autistic spectrum and children with emotional and behavioural difficulties.
Tel: 01709 542539